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> Events > Youth In Government Day

Youth In Government Day

Youth In Government Day will be held at the Alma Court House from 8:00am - 3:00pm. There will be lunch at the Alma Legion Post 224 for High School Senior Students and Government Officials from 12:15pm - 1:00pm.

Legion Post 224
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Alma Legion Post 224
Lunch from 12:15pm - 1:00pm

It has been recognized that there is little emphasis and very little material available on county government in our schools. There is also a general reluctance to accept any responsibility for the workings and outcome of our government. When Americans turn 18, they are granted the right to vote, however, very few uphold this honor. Some say it's because they weren't ever educated enough, some don't feel they're qualified enough, and some just don't care enough about the inner-workings of our political system.

Purpose: The American Legion County Youth Government Day Program is designed to teach students about the importance of their county government before they turn 18, so they have the information and confidence necessary to increase the voting numbers at the polls. The ultimate goal is for participating students to educate others to become better citizens, and create an atmosphere for a cleaner and more effective government.

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